Thursday, August 6, 2015

Symptoms Of Cleansing & Detoxing Are Essentially The Same As A Drug Withdrawal

I was recently speaking with a healthy-minded friend of mine and she explained to me that since she has been dealing with digestive issues, she decided to go on a strict detox/cleanse, cutting out pretty much everything except for vegetables, plants and oils. It was an abrupt diet switch and it caused her to be very emotional, tired, even depressed and had frequent headaches. She said she felt like at times she was going to die. Even though she is a healthy eater, the detox was still too extreme for her to handle. Imagine what it would be like for someone to do this who is not as healthy. 

In listening to this story, it donned on me. It's an addiction withdrawal. The body is filled with so many toxins, you could say they are like drugs, in a sense. Sugars, for instance, are highly addictive and in just about everything. If they are incorporated into our diet on a daily basis and try to cut them off completely all at once, we are bound to experience withdrawal symptoms, much like a drug withdrawal. Depending on how much we are used to consuming, the more extreme the symptoms. It's so hard to be careful and picky about what we eat, but unless it is from the earth, pure, unaltered, and yes- organic- it will be a difficult transition. 

Most meats and milk products go through a process to potentially kill bad bacteria. With that, however; much of it has lost good bacteria which helps us digest as well as the dumbing down of true and natural nutrients, not to mention any hormones or chemicals pumped in to do so. Also, there can still be contamination in the food and even the soil it was grown in. Even rice and wheat has changed throughout the years that can be causing low immunity to digestive issues in consuming them. Parasites and worms are much more prominent and are becoming an epidemic in our digestive health. 

This is a great medical article on parasites/worms that will explain it more in depth and list some natural remedies and treatments:

It may be shocking- but most, if not all of us, have some sort of parasite/worm issue going on which can lead to diarrhea, bloating, gas, constipation, IBS, pain, 'leaky gut' and even fatigue and weakened immune system. There are so many natural ways to cure and prevent these issues. A few would be adding more garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, beets and oregano oil to your diet. Also, supplements such as Echinecea and Goldenseal ward off bacteria and Candida. A simple high-quality probiotic taken daily can also help. 

On a side note, I can never stress this enough. If you think you have a sensitivity with Gluten, there is actually no possible way. Gluten is a naturally-occuring protein in some wheats that has been around for years. The only way to have a negative reaction to gluten is to have the allergy which is known as Celiac Disease. The sensitivity you may be experiencing will most likely be one of these 2 causes:
- The fact that wheats have evolved over the years and are not as natural as they used to. Wheats have not always been around and have been altered as well as the soil/climate it grows in. A lot of it is processed. 
- The combination of proteins and sugars is actually a big no-no. You will find sugars or even High Fructose Corn Syrup in many wheat products. Sugars digest very quickly, in about 30 minutes, whereas heavier foods such a proteins, dairy and starches can take up to 4 hours to completely digest. What happens if the 2 are mixed is that the sugars have nowhere to go, so they have to basically sit and wait for the other foods to digest, which leads to fermentation in the stomach. With excess sugar in the body, the liver and kidneys have to work overtime to try and do something with it. Too much sugar will lead to kidney and liver issues, not to mention Diabetes.

It seems as though almost everything we eat is poisoning us. Getting back to the roots of growing foods ourselves and resorting back to a hunter-gatherer diet as our hairy-back ancestors did, is honestly the safest bet. I, like most, will still have my sugar cravings and fixes, but I avoid the intake on a regular basis, make sure to drink an ample amount purified water, eat what the body needs, and keep the gut clean with the suggested foods/supplements above. Exercising is also a great way to keep the digestive system flowing. 

Here is another medical article that goes in depth on the subject of fermentation and other gut issues: